Tuesday, August 29, 2006

That Wacky Mahmoud, Part II

My boy is now challenging President Bush to a debate on the propriety of US/British influence on international affairs in general and, presumably, the Arab world in particular.


I wonder if the Kerry/Edwards people put him up to this.

Then again, he could have watched the debates from the fall of 2004 and come to the conclusion that he could wipe up the floor with W in a debate. I think my son probably could as well. Which is disappointing, because he crushed Ann Richards in the 1994 Texas gubernatorial debate.

I might even pay $49.99 to see it on pay-per-view.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

That Wacky Mahmoud

My boy (as JR refers to him) Mahmoud is at it again. Aptly described as 'giving the bird' to the world regarding Iran's nuclear program (it's just for electric power, you silly infidel), Ahmadinejad has called the world's bluff on stopping him from developing nuclear weapons.

Israel, after badly mishandling the Hezbollah / Lebanon situation, will probably be on their own (again). See today's article from the Jerusalem Post.


In related news, Israel is working out contingencies to take on the enemy.


I know that Mahmoud fancies himself as some sort of revolutionary-cum-messianic statesman, but my goodness - does he really think he can defeat the Israelis? I hope we don't have to find out.