Monday, January 22, 2007

Learn Your Place, Missy

Mini-Fidel is at it again.

Hugo Chavez is doing his level- (or flat-) headed best to convert Venezuela into the new and improved Cuba. The Rich Man’s Cuba, I suppose, since Venezuela is blessed with a substantial quantity of petroleum reserves, which gives it substantial (and unfortunate, thanks to our unquenchable jones for oil) leverage to jack with the United States whenever he feels the urge. Hugo is running headlong into reforming the nation into the Western Hemisphere’s next evolution of communist dictatorships – the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (a reference to Simon Bolivar, a Latin American revolutionary who, not coincidentally, focused his ire against the nasty gringo imperialists).

Recently, Hugo’s been given the authority of “rule by decree,” basically making him the sole and unquestioned voice of leadership in Venezuela, and he’s also launched his mission to nationalize various sectors of his nation’s economy ‘for the good of the people’, including specific goals of nationalizing the oil & gas industry, electric power generation, telecommunications, and as recently as last week, the media. This latest stroke of consolidation of government control was marked by Chavez’s refusal to renew the broadcast license of Venezuela’s second-largest news channel - RCTV, which is the nation’s last remaining major opposition news outlet.

Then, just when you think you’ve heard it all from Hugo, he lets fly with another quotable quote, telling us gringos to “go to hell” and further insulting our secretary of state. See the story below.

Hat-tip: Yahoo! News

Through confidential sources, the crack “4conguys Double-Secret Black Ops” team has acquired a secret audio tape of discussions about Sec. Rice from the Presidential Palace in Caracas. Click the link below to listen.

Wow. I guess diplomacy really is still alive and well in Latin America.

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